Row H: Parker Vacs and More

Pen Description
1 c. 1930s Standard Vacumatic gray pearlescent, chrome trim, 2-tone nib, lock fill, slight trim wear, $165
2 c. 1930s Shadow Wave Vac, Demi size in gray striated plastic, $95
3-4 Sold c. 1930s Golden Web Vacumatic, Demi size, pen and pencil set, beautiful- $250
5 c. 1937 double jewel Vacumatic in green/pearl, $175
6 c. 1937 double jewel Vacumatic in brown/pearl, $195
7 c. 1940s gray/pearl Vacumatic $95 (have many standard Vacumatics brown, gray, blk- please email me)
8 c. 1940s green/pearl Vacumatic, $95
9 c. 1941-5 2x jewel 51 w/ first year blind cap and aluminum end jewel, non- first year gf cap w/ cartouche and chevron band, plastic filler unit, initials on bbl., $275
10-11 Sold c. 1945 2x jewel 51 set- blk. bbls, gf cap-initialed cartouche/chevron band, no dings. Beautiful, $350
11a Vac fill 51s-choice common color bbls/ stnd.nibs, alloy caps, $95 very good sterling or gf caps, $145